Maplight for 1958-1960 Thunderbird Convertible. If you are sure about the precise color name, choose it.

Choose a year for available color names, codes, color descriptions, and mix codes.
#1958 ford thunderbird color codes medowmost green code#
Choosing a color code will show all years that code was used. They are sorted by alphabetical order by brand and then model. This company provides insulation panels for 1955-1966 Tbirds. Thunderbird paint color codes are available for years 1955-1971. 1955-2005 Thunderbird Paint Color Names, Data Plate Codes, and Mix Codes. These are a complete breakdown of Ford, Lincoln & 1958 Ford Color Codes - Thunderbird Paint Cross-Reference. Ford Thunderbird Paint Codes and Ditzler Mix Codes. My Thunderbird needed some touch-up paint on the body.